10 Essential Checks to Carry Out on Your Car Before Travelling on Your Summer Holidays

10 Essential Checks to Carry Out on Your Car Before Travelling on Your Summer Holidays

Summer holidays are the perfect time to embark on a road trip, whether you're exploring scenic routes or visiting family and friends. However, before you hit the road, it's crucial to ensure your car is in optimal condition. Conducting a thorough check can prevent unexpected breakdowns, enhance safety, and provide peace of mind. In this article, we'll cover the ten essential checks you should carry out on your car before setting off on your summer adventure.

1. Checking Tire Pressure and Tread

Before embarking on a long journey, it's imperative to check your tire pressure and tread depth. Proper tire pressure ensures better fuel efficiency, handling, and safety. Refer to your vehicle's manual for the recommended pressure and use a reliable gauge to check. Don't forget to inspect the spare tire as well. Tread depth is equally important; it affects traction, especially on wet roads. Use the penny test to ensure your tires have adequate tread depth.

2. Inspecting and Topping Up Fluids

Your car relies on various fluids to function smoothly. These include engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, power steering fluid, and windshield washer fluid. Check each fluid level and top up as necessary. Low engine oil or coolant can lead to engine overheating or damage. Ensure there are no leaks and use the correct type of fluid as specified in your car's manual.

3. Testing Battery Health

A weak or faulty battery can leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere. Test your battery's health using a multimeter or visit a mechanic for a thorough check. Look for corrosion on the terminals and clean them if necessary. If your battery is more than three years old, consider replacing it before your trip to avoid any surprises.

4. Examining Brakes and Brake Fluid

Brakes are crucial for your safety on the road. Inspect the brake pads for wear and tear. If they are thin or making a squealing noise, it's time for a replacement. Also, check the brake fluid level and its condition. Dark or dirty brake fluid should be replaced. Properly functioning brakes are essential, especially when driving in heavy traffic or on winding roads.

5. Checking Lights and Indicators

Ensure all your car's lights and indicators are functioning correctly. This includes headlights, brake lights, turn signals, and hazard lights. Ask someone to help you check if all lights are working while you operate them. Properly functioning lights are vital for your safety, especially during night drives or adverse weather conditions.

6. Assessing the Cooling System

Your car's cooling system prevents the engine from overheating. Check the coolant level and top up if necessary. Inspect the radiator and hoses for any signs of leaks or damage. Ensure the radiator fan is working correctly. A well-maintained cooling system is crucial, particularly during the hot summer months when the engine is more prone to overheating.

7. Inspecting Belts and Hoses

Belts and hoses play a critical role in the functioning of your car's engine and other systems. Check for any signs of wear, cracks, or leaks. Replace any damaged belts or hoses to prevent them from breaking down during your trip. Pay particular attention to the serpentine belt and timing belt, as their failure can lead to significant engine damage.

8. Ensuring Proper Functioning of Wipers and Washer Fluid

Clear visibility is essential for safe driving. Inspect the windshield wipers for any signs of damage or wear and replace them if necessary. Ensure the washer fluid reservoir is full, and the spray nozzles are working correctly. Properly functioning wipers and washer fluid are crucial for dealing with summer showers or dusty conditions.

9. Reviewing the Air Conditioning System

A functional air conditioning system is a must for a comfortable summer road trip. Check the AC system for any issues, such as weak airflow or strange noises. Ensure the refrigerant level is adequate and the system is cooling effectively. If you notice any problems, have a professional inspect and service the AC before your trip.

10. Packing an Emergency Kit

Finally, pack an emergency kit for your journey. This should include a first aid kit, flashlight, jumper cables, basic tools, a spare tire, and a jack. Additionally, consider packing water, non-perishable snacks, and a blanket. An emergency kit can be a lifesaver in case of unexpected breakdowns or emergencies.


Taking the time to perform these ten essential checks can make all the difference between a smooth, enjoyable road trip and a stressful, potentially hazardous one. Ensuring your car is in top condition will provide peace of mind and allow you to focus on making memories during your summer holidays.